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Menheniot Parish Council

Meetings, Agendas and Minutes

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at the Old School Hall Menheniot PL14 3QY (except for August and December). We start at 7pm, and usually finish about 9pm. Members of the public are welcome attend and can speak, if they wish, during Public Participation at the start of the meeting. If you have a question for the councillors but cannot attend the meeting, please email the Clerk’s Office and it will be forwarded to them for an answer.

We publish the agenda of our public meetings at least three working days beforehand so you can see what we are discussing, and the minutes within two weeks of the meeting itself. Agendas and Minutes are listed below and can be downloaded as pdf files. They are also available from the Parish Clerk and are displayed on the parish noticeboards at Menheniot, Merrymeet, Pengover Green, Lower Clicker, Island Shop and Doddycross.

18/07/2024 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes (Unapproved)046 Email from Menheniot Tennis, 048B Bank June 2024, 048C Outturn Q1, 049A Civility & Respect Pledge, 049B Decarbonisation consultation, 049C Dog Waste, 049D Parish noticeboard

20/06/2024 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes034B Bank May 2024, 034C Donation to Menheniot Playgroup, 034D Insurance Renewal, 035B Health & Safety Statementr dr, 035D Working Groups 2024 25

16/05/2024 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes018 Email from Menheniot School Assn, 020B Bank Apr 2024, 021A Briefing General Power of Competence, 021B Annual Audit Report 2023-24, 022B Briefing Community Speedwatch

16/05/2024 Annual Parish Meeting 6.30pm Menheniot Old School Agenda Menheniot Annual Parish Meeting Mins 18 May 2023

18/04/2024 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes7B Bank Mar 2024, 07C Outturn Q4 (Jan-Mar 2024), 7E Donation request Poads Trust

21/03/2024 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes175E Call for sites, 176B Bank Feb 2024, 176C MSA Donation, 178B Cornwall Planning Partnership

22/02/2024 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes165B Bank Jan 2024, 165C Outturn Q3 Oct-Dec 2023, 165D LMP Offer 2024-25, 163A Letter from Menheniot Tennis Club

18/01/2024 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes153B Bank December 2023, 154A Cllr Development Programme 2024

14/12/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes142B Bank Nov 2023, 142C Briefing Precept 2025/2025

16/11/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes131B Bank Oct 2023, 131C Briefing Grounds Maintenance, 131E Briefing Budget & Precept 2024, 131G Donation to Old School, 132C Parish Hall request for volunteer, 133B Civic Calendar 2024

19/10/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes117C Merrymeet Road Safety, 118B Bank Sep 2023, 118C Outturn Q2 Jul-Sep 2023, 118D Briefing Grasscutting Contract, 118E Donation request from Merrymeet RA

21/09/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes104D Email from Menheniot Sports Assn, 105A Annual Maintenance, 105A Request for donation, 106B Bank Reconciliation Aug 2023, 106C Donation to fireworks display, 106C Donation to Christmas event, 106C Donation to repair church wall, 107A Briefing Councillor Portfolios, 107D Briefing LCAS Quality application

20/07/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes90A Email from resident, 92B New bus services, 93B Bank June 2023, 93C Outturn Q1 2023, 93D Donation request, 94A Councillors Portfolios, 94C Menheniot Green Update

15/06/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School 7.30pm Agenda Minutes77A Card from KCIII, 80C Bank May 2023

18/05/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School 7.30pm Agenda Minutes65C Bank Reconciliation Apr 2023, 66A Briefing General Power of Competence, 66B Briefing Annual Audit 2023, 66B AGAR return 2022-23, 67A Menheniot Green Forward Plan 2023

18/05/2023 Annual Parish Meeting 7pm Agenda Minutes (Unapproved)Minutes of the APM 19 May 2022

20/04/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes49A Briefing EV Charging Points, 49B Part time street lighting, 51C Bank Reconciliation Mar 2023, 51D Outturn Q4 2023, 51F Community Grant Assessments, 52A Safeguarding Policy draft, 53A Cllr Cole Reports, 54A CC Consultation PSPO

16/03/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes36A Electric Vehicle Charging Point, 38C Bank Reconciliation Feb 2023, 37 Briefing Note Tencreek Design Review Panel, 38E Donation request from Merrymeet Residents Assn, 39E Part Street Lighting, 38D Briefing Note Coronation Fund, 40A Menheniot Green Report, 40A Coronation Celebrations Report

16/02/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes24C Bank Reconciliation, 24D Footpath Maintenance Offer 2023-24, 25A Mayor for Cornwall Response, 25C Highways Expressions of Interest, 25D Tree Inspection Report Jan 2023, 23E Application for Street Trading Licence, 26A Menheniot Green Report

19/01/2023 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes07A Letter of thanks from Citizens Advice Cornwall, 07B Email from resident about new grit bin, 10C Bank Reconciliation Dec 2022, 10D Outturn Q3 (Oct-Dec 2022), 10E Cornwall Local Maintenance Partnership 2023/24, 11A Mayor for Cornwall, 11B Safeguarding Briefing Note, 13A Community Governance Review

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