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Menheniot Parish Council

Policies, Reports & Other Documents

The documents listed below can be downloaded as pdf files. They are also available from the Parish Clerk.

Policies and Procedures

MPC Health & Safety Statement

Safeguarding Policy

The Code of Conduct Guide (May 2021)

Code of Conduct

Complaint Procedure

Engagement and Media Policy

Finance Risk Assessment

Financial Regulations

Freedom of Information Procedure

Freedom of Information Request Form

GDPR - Acceptable Use Policy Sept 2018

GDPR - General Privacy Notice - May 2018

GDPR - Personal Data Breaches Policy Oct 2018

GDPR - Retentions and Disposals Policy July 2018

GDPR - Subject Access Request Policy Sep 2018

Privacy Notice for Staff, Councillors and Role Holders

Staff Disciplinary Policy

Staff Grievance Policy

Standing Orders Jul 2022

Training Policy for New Staff and Councillors

Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities


Annual Report 2023-24

CC Consultation Tencreek Path

Civic Calendar 2024

451a Bus FAQs Apr 2023

Attending a Council Meeting

Bus Timetable Mar 2024

Tencreek Farm Explainer Apr 2024


CSW FAQs May 2024

ED Meeting Notes 26 Mar 2024

ED Vitality Index FAQ

ED Area Summary

ED CC Call for Sites PPT

ED CC Know Your Area

Tencreek Farm Explainer Feb 2024

CAP Draft Terms of Reference Feb 2024

ED Agenda 23 Jan 2024

ED CC Presentation Jan 2024

ED Meeting Notes 22 Nov 2023

ED Meeting Notes 23 Jan 2024

ED Q&A Nov 2023

ED Terms of Reference Topics

CAB Winter Advice

Salt & Grit FAQs

Dog Mess Diary

CC EGD Business Investment Minutes 280323

CC EGD Business Investment Report 280323

Cost Comparison

Know your area - South East Cornwall

NGS Menheniot 23 Jul 2023

Bus Users Survey May 2023

Safeguarding Toolkit

Action Plan from Engagement and Media Policy 2019-20

CC Briefing Note Cornwall Mayor

CC Voting on a Mayor Referendum

Letter of Condolence to HM The King

MPC Report It

Waht your parish council does

Wainhomes Masterplan Mar 2023

Winter Warmth Links

Parish Councillor Induction Guides

Working Groups 2024/25

Parish Council Duties

What the Parish Clerk does

What the Chairman does

What a Councillor does

Code of Conduct Quick Guide

Privacy and Data Protection

Civic Calendar

Financial Regulations Quick Guide

Menheniot Neighbourhood Plan Quick Guide

Standing Orders Quick Guide

Complaints Quick Guide

Register of Interests Quick Guide

Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form

Good Councillor Guide 2024

Accounts & Financial Information