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Menheniot Parish Council

Community Safety

Community Speedwatch - like to join the team?

Back in April, a small group of residents met with the local organiser for Community Speedwatch (CSW), and agreed to set up a local group for Menheniot. Like to learn more? the FAQs below give you some basic details or contact the Clerk's Office to register your interest.


28th May 2024

Salt & Grit Bins - how to use them

The parish council has 16 salt bins across the parish that residents can use to clear any public path, pavement or road if the ground is icy or if you think it’s going to freeze over. It’s not for people to use on their own private driveway, garden path or business premises.

View the full report to read our FAQs

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Salt & Grit FAQs

30th November 2023

Dog mess - and how to dispose of it

The parish council has installed and maintains a number of public waste bins in and around Menheniot, Merrymeet and Pengover Green.

Did you know? dog waste can be disposed of in any of our public waste bins – and in the black bag of household waste that is collected weekly from your home.

So if you’re one of the two people we’ve seen flytipping their dog waste at the new dog bin at the top of Trewint Road – no need. Keep it at home and put it out with your household rubbish. It all goes into the same incinerator!

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Download Document (pdf)

30th November 2023

Pothole repairs – who does what and how to report

Cormac, on behalf of Cornwall Council, inspects and repairs Cornwall’s roads in accordance with the Council’s Highway Maintenance Manual. Follow the link below for information on reporting a pothole.

Report a Pothole in Cornwall

16th February 2022

Community Emergency Plan 2021 – are you OK?

The Parish Council has produced an emergency plan that would be used by the council and its stakeholders in the event of a sudden and unplanned event. In the event that an emergency is declared, community helpers will be visiting the affected areas to keep residents informed. Download our Red & Green OK poster to display in your window. This way, we’ll know who needs assistance.

Community Emergency Plan (pdf)

Emergency Plan Support Document (pdf)

Red and Green OK Poster (pdf)

23rd November 2021

Speeding in Menheniot village

Councillors have been lobbying Cornwall Council for many years in an attempt to introduce lower speed limits in the parish (see Traffic Plan August 2017 at the foot of the report).  Cornwall Council is now looking at a scheme to trial a 20mph limit in selected villages across the county.  At the Parish Council’s public meeting on 16 September 2021, Divisional Councillor Phil Seeva spoke about this issue: Extract from Parish Council minutes 16 September 2021 'Residents attended to pre ...

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30 is a problem (pdf)

Traffic Plan August 2017 (pdf)

16th September 2021

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